Aptamil 4 800 gr. 6 Pack – (12-24 Month Nutrition)


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Aptamil 4 800 gr. 6 Pack – (12-24 Months Nutrition)

Aptamil 4 800gr (12-24 Month Nutrition) is a specially developed follow-on milk for children used after 1 year of age. For your growing baby and child, who need more strength and nutritional support as they try to explore the world. Also, after 1 year of age, children begin to socialize and get sick more often as a result of interacting with the environment. Especially during this period, Milupa Aptamil 4 (Powder) can help strengthen your child’s immune system. Aptamil 4 is available in 3 product sizes, 300, 900 and 1200 gr. From the age of 2, you can switch to Aptamil 5.

Contents; The most suitable food for your baby is breast milk. Aptamil boy, It is suitable for use by infants and young children over the age of 1 for special feeding and as a part of their diet. It should not be used in place of breast milk during the first six months. The decision to start complementary feeding at a month other than six months should be made by an impartial health worker who specializes in maternal and child nutrition in line with the baby’s growth and development needs. If you are using follow-up milk, it is important for your baby’s health that you carefully comply with all the instructions regarding its preparation.

Aptamil kid contains prebiotic compound. Prebiotic ingredients support the development and life of probiotic microorganisms in the intestine. That help regulate the digestive system and support the immune system. Prebiotic ingredient consumption should not exceed 8 grams per day. Your child’s need for a special milk continues after 1 year of age. Because the first 3 years are very important for the development of the immunity system. Aptamil Prebiotic Fiber Mixed Single Child’s Milk With Aptamil Child. You can support your child’s immunity up to the age of 3 years. Aptamil has been specially for your child’s nutritional needs with its vitamin and mineral content.

Aptamil 4 800gr (12-24 Month Nutrition)

You can give your child half a liter (2 cups) of Aptamil every day. Iron (helps with the development of bones) Zinc (keeps body resistance high) Calcium (helps with tooth and bone development) Vitamin D 84% Vitamin (Vitamin C, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid, vitamin K1, biotin, vitamin D3, vitamin B12) Preparation; Wash your hands carefully. Before using the bottle cap and teat, clean it and boil it in a water bowl for 10 minutes. Boil the required water for follow-up milk for at least 10 minutes and wait for it to cool down to 40?C. Fill the bottle with the amount you want to prepare from the boiled water.

Always use the scale that came in the box. Scrape off the excess on the scale. Put the amount of Aptamil you want to prepare into the bottle. Close the mouth of the bottle and shake it until the powder dissolves. Open the mouth of the bottle and insert the pacifier. Refrigerate bottle food to drinking temperature. (The follow-up milk to be dripped into the inside of the bottle, even from the bottle, should be neither hot nor cold.




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Weight0,4 g

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