What is Herbalife and What Is It Not?

Herbalife is the combination of the words Herbal and Life. herbal; means natural, natural, herbs, medicinal plants. life; It includes the meanings of life, alive, vitality. Herbalife; As a word meaning, it means natural life, plant life. They are products that provide optimum nutrition with minimum calories. Herbalife products are healthy and balanced nutrition products.

What is Herbalife not?

They are not weight loss products. (Not slimming tablets and pills)
Does not contain animal additives. (does not contain pork additives)
It does not contain ephedrine.
It is not medicine.
Does not contain chemical additives.
It’s not a diet.
It is not a chemical cosmetic and concealer.
It is not included in the mega dose law.
The disease cannot be used for diagnosis and treatment.

What is Herbalife?

They are herbal products.
It is approved by the relevant ministry. (Products related to the Ministry of Agriculture are approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, products related to the Ministry of Health are approved by the Ministry of Health.)
They are balanced and healthy nutrition products.
It can be used for weight control and to stay in shape.
It offers a personalized program.
The result is guaranteed. (It can be returned within 30 days without giving any reason.)
It offers special programs for athletes.
Anyone who can eat can eat.
It has halal certification.

In short, what is Herbalife? What are their products?

Our greatest treasure is our thinking power. There is no challenge we cannot achieve when we use this treasure effectively. There must be a reason for the power of thought to act. If you have a strong reason, your brain will act for you. Reasons are the only fuel for the brain. If you want to do something, the brain automatically questions why, if it gets a strong answer, it will make you take action. And If he gets a vague and trivial answer, he won’t do anything for you.

If we give an example; Let’s assume that you are a 25-year-old young woman weighing 110 kilograms, 1.65 cm tall, with a belly circumference of 120 cm. You have difficulty in walking because of your weight, you cannot bend and get up easily because of your belly. You have become depleted of energy, wanting to eat all the time, not looking in mirrors, unable to tolerate weighing instruments at home, and starting to dislike social activities.

What do Herbalife products do? How will you control your weight?

However, before you gained these weights, you were an active, cheerful person, at peace with himself, enjoying social activities, frequently getting together with his friends, enjoying traveling and reading books. You know that 63-65 kilos, belly area should be 85 cm. You want to lose weight.

Against this request, the brain will ask you the following question. Why do you want to lose weight? The answer he received to this question:  Well, I just want to lose weight. I think I want to lose weight. I guess I can. Actually, my weight doesn’t bother me, but I’m still trying. If you have vague and unclear reasons, I say get used to your current weight and do not try any weight loss method. Because you don’t have a picture in your mind and you don’t have a strong reason.


If your weak state is revived in your mind, if your thin body noticeably revives in your mind after losing weight, you can walk comfortably, bend easily after losing weight, do not hesitate to engage in social activities, first of all, you gain self-confidence, you can see the strength, energy and joy that your thin state gives you. And if you see a sweet excitement starting when you live now, it means you have a strong reason. You will definitely reach your ideal weight. Your brain, which will transform your power of thought into reality, will prepare your body in line with your thoughts.

There are many weight control methods. It could be diet. If you have decided to lose weight with diet, we recommend that you be under the control of a dietitian. You can also control weight with herbalife products. You know that Herbalife products are not weight loss pills. They are products prepared by world-renowned doctors that contain ideal nutrients that are not prepared for weight control. If you want to use Herbalife, you should use it to follow any herbalife distributor. You must do exactly what they say.

What is Wellness?

“It is a state of physical and mental well-being, especially with regular exercise and proper nutrition habits. ”

-According to the American heritage dictionary; “wellness feels good and looks good.”

-According to Mark Hughes, founder of Herbalife; “Wellness is when you have enough energy, time and freedom to walk every morning and live the life you want.”

What does wellness mean to you? (Healthy life, better life)

Every day we look for ways to feel better, and this makes our days and those around us so much more fun. The recipe for success is a balanced diet supported by adequate fluid intake and exercise done together. By bringing these three key points together, you will be giving yourself the opportunity to feel better day by day.

Good nutrition, which is also of great importance in terms of wellness, increases the total quality of life. Unfortunately, people’s busy lifestyles are not very suitable for healthy options that will prevent problems that may arise in later years. Most people today do what science deems essential to a healthy life in terms of habits (nutrition, exercise or lifestyle).

Although you can’t change your habits overnight, you can deal with these factors step by step. For example, you might explore the pleasure you get from eating a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, and drinking enough water throughout the day. This site will help you learn how to do it and learn how to do it. With Wellness, you will enjoy learning the steps you need to take to improve your quality of life.


Digestion; It needs carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water that enter our body and are vital. We obtain these substances from various foods. The first digestion starts in the mouth, that is, the teeth first break the food we eat into small pieces and send it to the stomach with the help of the esophagus. The mechanical action of the stomach and the gastric juice turn proteins into chemicals.

The shrunken foods are absorbed in the small intestine and sent to the blood. The remaining pulp remains, and the remaining water and minerals are absorbed into the large intestine and the pulp is sent to the bladder.

In other words, every bite that goes into our mouth or everything we eat and drink is thrown out like a machine, if we have a proper diet, giving what we need after a long journey and process. HIPOCRAT, the father of medicine, says, “What you eat is your medicine, and your medicine is what you eat.” When examined biologically, it has such a perfect functioning and mechanism that it terrifies scientists. Each particle of us has a task and a perfect functioning. The digestive and excretory system is one of them. If we live according to creation and make our food accordingly, the machine will continue to work smoothly without any problems.


However, due to today’s living conditions, stress and wrong and incomplete nutrition, unfortunately, fatal digestive diseases threaten human health to a great extent. Cancer is one of these deadly diseases. Stomach and intestinal cancers are very high.

When it comes to the most important ease of nutrition and its benefits for digestion with Herbalife, it provides both ease in terms of digestion as well as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and most importantly fiber that we need.

A person needs a minimum of 20 grams of fiber per day. To have a healthy digestive system. Whatever the purpose of Herbalife food is used, it gives the body what it needs in every sense. Since Herbalife products are a very strong antioxidant, they act as a very good cleanser at the same time. It is recommended to drink plenty of water while using the products, because water is life, everyone knows that now. The products are water-based, the more water is consumed during the use of the product, the more magnificent the result.


Herbalife has two basic products that provide incredible support for digestion. Herbal Aloe Drink, one of which is liquid, and one of Herbalife Herbal Fiber tablets. Alo drink is a product that is drunk on an empty stomach. Due to the feature of the aloe plant, it provides ease in digestion, has antioxidant properties and gives shine to the skin as it is a very good toxin remover.

Herbalife Herbal Fiber Tablet; It is a product consisting of fruit and vegetable fibers made into compressed tablets. Since it is a fruit and vegetable fiber that everyone can use, it dissolves in the intestine, and when taken with plenty of water, it helps to remove the dirt that has settled in the intestine and stuck to the intestinal hairs. Like apricots and dates, it also contains fiber. It is taken in the form of 2 tablets before meals.

Considering the human as a whole, Herbalife has been serving since 1980 with nutrition, weight control, right nutrition, right calories and fiber foods.

Dr. yoni yorom (Notes from Antalya Education)

I come from sports medicine. Before that, I was a surgeon. There is such a power in profundity that it is a line where you feel very close to God. I loved cutting to restore people. In medicine, they believe that two things cure, one is surgery, the second is antibiotics.

You will be surprised, the most important thing that saves lives is washing hands and the other is nutrition.

Herbalife Distributors are Brand Ambassadors.

They are agents of change. They are information multipliers.

Dr. Davit began his research on obesity, which made an impression in the world. People switched to Herbalife without realizing it. herbalifline is the best fish oil that people can eat. Mesi uses Herbalife’s products.Herbalife has opened new production facilities.

USA 65% obese Italy 20% tripled between 1980 and 2001.

Germany  60% of women and 75% of men are obese

12% of France doubled its speed

Mexico 64%  India 20% China 10%

Good nutrition requires effort, we definitely need it.

Protein, muscle, bone, enzymes and immune system need it.

Carbohydrates, which our entire body needs, are necessary for energy. to oxygen

There is a need for carbohydrates  by reacting with oxygen and releasing energy. We cannot live without it. Excess carbohydrates are stored as fat. The stored oils are there for us to cross the desert. We don’t need this.

The vitamin is essential for development and growth.

Fiber:  necessary to remove toxins and wastes from the body,

Water: if a person loses 5% of water, they can die.

Everyone needs nourishment.

Reducing the fat ratio:

Heart diseases
gall bladder stones
Chest and intestinal muscles
Sleep apnea
Canadian fat percentage

And what’s more, nutrition reduces the risk of colon cancer in men by 40%. 50% for women

The rate of breast cancer risk is reduced.


Organize your meal. Eating less food reduces the risk of depression. 50% of Americans use antidepressants.

If you eat right and exercise, you don’t need to take medication.

Diabetes covers 10% of the population. Eat right, exercise enough, 5 hours of exercise a week will increase your life by 50%. Burning 100 calories a week extends life by 30% by 200 calories by 50%. If you want to age as late as possible and die of mana with age, write it on the fridge and run faster when life catches you.

Old men are those who do nothing for their future. Men who are old and young have no time, they are too busy. Confucius, people lose their health to gain money, they spend the money they earn to regain their health.

Reduce calories and eat rich foods.

The company spent 3 million dollars for the quality control of products and established facilities.

There are fields and facilities where production is made from China.

There is one facility in California and one in China for production testing.

You should spend 400-900 calories per week.

You will run at least 4 hours a week. Min 45 minutes per day. You must run. 1 hour of jogging is equivalent to burning 500 calories.



It is the name given to all of the chemical processes in cells for the realization of vital activities. Metabolism; It occurs in two phases, anabolism being catabolism. It means anabolism making metabolism. The synthesis of substances that the body needs, energy is needed, catabolism is destruction metabolism. It needs protein, carbohydrates and fat to obtain energy, in the presence of oxygen, carbon dioxide, energy and water are released.

What is the metabolic age?

Metabolism age is not a term in the widely used scientific sense. In general, the metabolic rate of the client can be very different from the actual age of the person with sufficient metabolism. It is measured with a number of technical devices. An individual’s age, gender, weight, physical activity, daily diet may affect the metabolism vaccine. Devices that measure metabolic age can be effective in calculating gender, especially metabolic age, including daily activity goose structure, daily exercise capacity, sleep pattern, and drugs used during the day.

What diseases does slowing of metabolism cause?

Slowing of metabolism may occur as a result of some harvests. Hip thyroid. The metabolic rate may improve due to muscle loss, such as being tied to a bed. Excessive sleep can affect this a lot. In such cases, especially weight problems may arise. When the weight problem occurs together with adiposity, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes. Such harvests may occur. In order to increase the metabolic rate, it is necessary to forget about parameters such as regular sleep, frequent and quality nutrition, sufficient water, regular exercise.



What are calories? Calories are essentially energy. Energy is the power obtained from the food and beverages we eat and drink. Experts have divided our food and drinks into various groups to avoid confusion and better understanding. For example, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins and minerals.
We are very lucky that we live in a very beautiful time technologically. Experts can easily determine the calories of everything we eat and drink and present them to our information. The interesting thing about measuring calories is that every gram of protein contains the same amount of calories, no matter what food it is in. This was true for fats and carbohydrates. So no matter what we eat, there are 4 calories in a gram of carbohydrate and 9 calories in a gram of fat.
The daily amount of calories that each person should take and burn in return differs. But again, experts determined calorie needs according to conditions such as male-female, age, height-weight, activation and lying down. From breathing, we need energy to continue our vital activities.
So, how do we get this indispensable energy that the body needs and do we get enough? These are the common questions that come to our minds when we say calories, right?
We explained above how we get calories; We get it entirely from the food and beverages we eat and drink.


It is very beneficial for us to determine our daily calorie needs and to know the amount of calories we need to take during the day. For this reason, we can better understand why we are underweight or overweight. How many calories do we need daily? First of all, our weight and height, age, being male and female, and what we do determine the daily calorie intake among people. Now these measurements are made in all health centers. It is definitely useful to have this information. What is the weight we call weight, if our weight is too much, we burn more calories per day, if it is missing, we eat more calories, that is, the amount of energy we take is less.
After all the person’s own information is completed, it comes back to determining the calorie amounts of what we eat and drink.

How does our body store excess calories? If we take more and burn less, the liver stores these calories as sugar. When excess sugar accumulates in the liver, this time the liver transfers some of the sugar to the muscles for a short time. If calories are not burned while you are here, that is, if you do not move and exercise, it turns into fat for longer storage. And if we are male, we start to gain weight from the hip area if the belly is female.


Therefore, this is the underlying reason why people have weight problems. inability to control calories. Of course, we live in such a time that even if we want to do all the necessary controls, this is not very possible. Even if we manage to do it, this time we see that our body is undernourished in terms of nutritional values ​​and we start to grapple with health problems. Because everything we eat and drink has low nutritional value, high in calories, and the food we eat has lost so much nutrients that we eat fiber and hormones completely. In addition, carbonated and high-calorie drinks, alcohol consumption, unconscious drug use and reduced physical activities.
So, we must have this awareness. Everyone’s greatest doctor and nutritionist is himself, and he has to be so at this time. We have to pay attention to what we eat and our lifestyle. Our children’s eating habits are completely dependent on our nutrition culture. We have to be conscious consumers. If we want to live healthy and long. We need to know how to calculate calories. If we want to lose a kilo, we need to burn 7000 calories. If we take 500 calories less in 15 days, we will lose 1 kg.

What conscious experts say is that everyone now needs a supplementary food supplement. They should definitely use it. It is necessary to benefit from the products of companies that have spent many years in their field and work with world brand supplementary food supplements with proven quality.
Let’s not forget that everything is in our hands. It protects our health, or it lets the water flow by letting it go. We should always be in control of our lives.

Herbalife Shake

It is a product that is rich in content and can be prepared easily. Eating instead of two meals a day becomes a weight loss control program. Mix 250 ml of cherry juice with 2 tablespoons of formula 1 and turn it into a shake. However, Do not forget to drink water after the shake. One meal of Shake contains 250 calories of energy. You can drink as much as you want during the day. And it has no side effects. anyone can use it. the taste is amazing. Moreover, suitable for all tastes.

https://herbaleros.com/shop/ https://www.facebook.com/herbalerosonline/

27 February 2022 Blog Yorum Yap , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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